Of Gaming...
Last week saw the GGC hold its AGM, so no gaming was had on monday. However, I did maage to shoe-horn in the concept of a painting / hobby night at the club once a month so hobby prospects generally up for the club's own scenery, club projects, guest galleries and of course my ow work too!
Of Painting...
Sadly little new from me this week. I've been prepping hordes of models but little actual painting. Aim is to get some done later today though, so next update should be more interesting!
Of Galleries and Updates...
Its back into the vaults for the addition of an old classic to the HobbyBrush in this update. My Desert Ferrin Army will be remembered by a few of you old epic grognards (meant in the kidest possible way!) but it may be new and of interest to a few of you as well. Painted, rather scarily, 10 years ago, as it was.
New Galleries: 1
New Images: 32
News, Updates & ramblings
This Blog is acting as the news and updates page for my new website, HobbyBrush.com.
The website itself is the archive of my painting through the last decade or more, with easy navigation around what now amounts to over 3000 images of wargames figures & display miniatures.
It is also the repository for my musings, workbench notes and reports on all things gaming and miniature painting that I get up to.I've been collecting miniatures for 24 years and have covered most scales, periods and styles in that time. Don't expect consistency on one project here - there will be variety in project, but hopefully consistently high standards!
Thanks for reading!
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Where did all the months go????
Of where I've Been...
My Computer network card / modem / something I cant fix went wrong - I've been using a borrowed laptop of 8 months now ad the "N" key doesnt work very well - get used to typos!
I Bought my first house.
It fell apart.
I put it back together.
I Costructed an awesome hobby room.
I'm back to painting at full speed and the HobbyBrush will be updated regularly once more.
I could go into more details, but you dont care do you? You just want new galleries, right? OK, OK... here goes...
Of Gaming...
Bwah ha ha... No galleries yet! But I will keep it short. I'm back playing Flames of War again and Loving it. Game I played Monday before last was one of the most enjoyable games of anything I've played in a long time.
I'm also playing Firestorm Invasion quite regularly.
All in all, you can expect American, German and F:I Terran galleries to be popping up here soon!
Of Painting...
Yes, more waffle. Deal with it.
I am ashamed to say that a combination of factors coverged upon me to mean I didn't get anything completed in time for the Dropzone Commander Launch. Its the first commitment to paint that I've ever failed upon entirely and it sucks, but was unavoidable. David hadn't paid me anything for painting the units he sent me, but I still feel bad about it - Sorry Dude!
That aside, I have taken up the Mercenary ways again since getting my new workshop sorted out and I'll be covering galleries of most of that soon.
For Myself, I'm paintig Flames of War Americans, Firestorm Invasion Terrans, a few Kraytonians for SoW and a couple of practice miniatures.
The Practice miniatures Come into two categories -
1. Airbrush work. I've finally taken the plunge and dropped a load of cash into a decent airbrush setup and am learning the ropes with that. Its great!
2. Back in June (on my Birthday as it happened!) I attended the Golem Studios Masterclass day and had the opportunity to learn from Tommie Soule, Mike McVey (yes, that one!) and Alison McVey in a full days painting. I've not learned so much in years of brushwork and whilst I'm still happy painting my huge collections and PROPER armies, I have a few practice / warm-up pieces floating about with the intentio of pushing myself to a proper display piece sometime this year.
So lots from my own benches soon :)
Of galleries and updates....
I'm guessing most of you igored all of the above and are straight here, and fair enough at that!
As a starting point back to updates, I present a Guest Gallery which has been waiting faaaar too long for publication.
Tom's Ogre army is an awesome sight all assembled together and this gallery does little to do it justice, but is well worth a look.( 48 Pictures)
Totals this update:
New Galleries: 1
New images: 48
Its a start...
My Computer network card / modem / something I cant fix went wrong - I've been using a borrowed laptop of 8 months now ad the "N" key doesnt work very well - get used to typos!
I Bought my first house.
It fell apart.
I put it back together.
I Costructed an awesome hobby room.
I'm back to painting at full speed and the HobbyBrush will be updated regularly once more.
I could go into more details, but you dont care do you? You just want new galleries, right? OK, OK... here goes...
Of Gaming...
Bwah ha ha... No galleries yet! But I will keep it short. I'm back playing Flames of War again and Loving it. Game I played Monday before last was one of the most enjoyable games of anything I've played in a long time.
I'm also playing Firestorm Invasion quite regularly.
All in all, you can expect American, German and F:I Terran galleries to be popping up here soon!
Of Painting...
Yes, more waffle. Deal with it.
I am ashamed to say that a combination of factors coverged upon me to mean I didn't get anything completed in time for the Dropzone Commander Launch. Its the first commitment to paint that I've ever failed upon entirely and it sucks, but was unavoidable. David hadn't paid me anything for painting the units he sent me, but I still feel bad about it - Sorry Dude!
That aside, I have taken up the Mercenary ways again since getting my new workshop sorted out and I'll be covering galleries of most of that soon.
For Myself, I'm paintig Flames of War Americans, Firestorm Invasion Terrans, a few Kraytonians for SoW and a couple of practice miniatures.
The Practice miniatures Come into two categories -
1. Airbrush work. I've finally taken the plunge and dropped a load of cash into a decent airbrush setup and am learning the ropes with that. Its great!
2. Back in June (on my Birthday as it happened!) I attended the Golem Studios Masterclass day and had the opportunity to learn from Tommie Soule, Mike McVey (yes, that one!) and Alison McVey in a full days painting. I've not learned so much in years of brushwork and whilst I'm still happy painting my huge collections and PROPER armies, I have a few practice / warm-up pieces floating about with the intentio of pushing myself to a proper display piece sometime this year.
So lots from my own benches soon :)
I'm guessing most of you igored all of the above and are straight here, and fair enough at that!
As a starting point back to updates, I present a Guest Gallery which has been waiting faaaar too long for publication.
Tom's Ogre army is an awesome sight all assembled together and this gallery does little to do it justice, but is well worth a look.( 48 Pictures)
Totals this update:
New Galleries: 1
New images: 48
Its a start...
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