Well, its and annual tradition of mine, but I cant for the life of me find last years post. Honest, I do this every year, but it seems I didn't post it on my blog (as I work through adding the photos slowly, I see my wisdom from last year...) so you'll have to search any number of forums to check up on me!
The purpose is threefold:
1. First and foremost, Some of the pictures may look cool.
2. It reminds me what I've done in the past year & what's changed in my own cabinets, which I often loose track of.
3. It reminds me what hasn't changed in the past year & thus what I probably should try to practise in the year ahead.
Thus, I launch the tour of the cabinets. Camera snapping away!
Cabinet 1.
C1 Shelf 1. Random 6mm sci fi pieces. No changes here since last year. I took them out to photograph them for the HobbBrush and that's their only movements!
C1 Shelf 2 40K & Sci-Fi display pieces. Not much new here. Just the Infinity model I popped int he cabinet for the holiday season. Q1 of 2012 should see more Infinity added however, fingers crossed!
C1 Shelf 3 There will always be a Kraytonian Shelf somewhere. Nothing new here just yet, but it will be replaced with Fresh models soon as reinforcements are imminent - see workbench tour below!
C1 Shelf 4 WHFB Savage Orcs. Nothing changed here in the past year I dont think. I've done a few random details on my greenskins as the sporadic mood takes me, but 8th Ed killed the momentum of the project just as I was getting going.
Cabinets 2 & 3 - to the right of the TV :)
C2: Shelf 1 6mm sci fi display pieces. This shelf will never change much, but contains many of my favourite models. That said, I'm not sure when I painted the Exodus wars tank, or the single EW miniature currently in there. I need to paint his female counterpart soon & base them both together, its been waiting ages!
C2: Shelf 2 28mm Roman army - All New!! This is the completed core project I've been posting about for the past few months. I'll update the galleries soon. I'm really pleased with the way they tunred out and whilst I dont like using transfers, I enjoyed painting a proper army again.
Note that I say "core" since I inadvertantly won an ebay auction, so there's 24 more Auxillaries and 3 cavalry I need to fit in one day.... Ooops!
C2: shelf 315mm Medieval and Fantasy. Nothing new added, but a hell of a lot sold. 2011 was a year of selling 15mm armies and the Dwarves, one Human army, half another and various un-aligned formations have flown all across the world - these will hopefully soon follow!
C2 Shelf 4:More WHFB Greenskins. This time goblins. Many of their number, over 100 in fact, were sold this year. As I said, 8th ed killed my momentum & the night goblins I sold will be easy enough to replace should I want to return. Then again, I have about 800 more Greenskin models awaiting paint, so I'll be in no rush to purchase!
C3 Shelf 1: Fantasy display & Misc. pieces. Nothing much has changed here. The Giants section grew in May, then shrunk when I sold 3 in September, but otherwise, like all my display areas, I haven't done any display work and the giants hardly count themselves! I've definitely returned to army painting this year. Part of me thinks I should push myself again, but I'm enjoying what I'm doing so sod it!
C3 shelf 2:And Part of what I'm doing is "World of Twilight"! These Furbarnii are all new this year, as is the (still incomplete) Diorama. In fact, this represents a stage beyond the progress previously reported, but they still need details adding & basing finished to them. Once that's done, I've got more characterful elements to add to the force, followed by some opponents for them - expect a lot of WoT in 2012! :)
C3 Shelf 3: This is what you call a shelf of intent. Its mostly empty, and by the end of 2012 I want to fill it with Epic Figures. They might be titans, they might not, but this shelf is for my first love, and I will fill it... I hope!
C3 shelf 4: Miscellany. More WHFB ORcs, they've been covered. The WHFB Empire handgunners are newly completed, but were started many years ago. Similar goes for the 15mm FoW Soviets and the 28mm DAK - both were painted years back but I've re-touched them ready for sale so they're here on the temporary visitors shelf. (I cant put them any higher in case I get attached to them..... )
What's not shown at all is my 6mm soviet forces, which have swelled to hundreds of vehicles and thousands of infantry during the year, and then equally been sold off back down to a measly few. They're waiting for reinforcements again before they're worth photographing.
PHEW! So, that's it. The Cabinet tour completed. What I havent done is display work in any scale. What I have done is paint huge amounts of figures and sold lots too. I'm enjoying my painting. I'm not pushing myself, granted, but I am seeing forces grow from the lead mountain and I do love a good regiment!
I've stated some aims, but I really only have one. Enjoy 2012. And that goes for my painting too. This means I might not stick to the proposed projects, but I wont worry about it next year. As long as paint has been slung, dice have been rolled, and laughs have been had, it will certainly have been a successful year for me, and I hope the same will be said of yourselves - thanks for reading! Happy New year!
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