News, Updates & ramblings

This Blog is acting as the news and updates page for my new website,

The website itself is the archive of my painting through the last decade or more, with easy navigation around what now amounts to over 3000 images of wargames figures & display miniatures.

It is also the repository for my musings, workbench notes and reports on all things gaming and miniature painting that I get up to.

I've been collecting miniatures for 24 years and have covered most scales, periods and styles in that time. Don't expect consistency on one project here - there will be variety in project, but hopefully consistently high standards!

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Roman additions...

Its a small update this week but there's plenty in the pipeline.

I've sorted and edited over 300 photos this weekend, whittling them down to a still impressive 60 photos ready to swell the site with yet more guest galleries in the weeks to come. I did, however, fail to get any notes from the painters so they're on hold until I have some text ready to accompany them!

In the mean time, I've still not had the chance to paint anything new myself so I'll continue to play catch up as best I can, and thus this week present an update to the 28mm Roman Gallery, adding the second formations of both auxillaries and Legioinaries to bring it up to date as well as the cabinet shot from the new year tour which shows it all together.

New Galleries: 0
New images: 11

remember to like us on facebook HERE!

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