News, Updates & ramblings

This Blog is acting as the news and updates page for my new website,

The website itself is the archive of my painting through the last decade or more, with easy navigation around what now amounts to over 3000 images of wargames figures & display miniatures.

It is also the repository for my musings, workbench notes and reports on all things gaming and miniature painting that I get up to.

I've been collecting miniatures for 24 years and have covered most scales, periods and styles in that time. Don't expect consistency on one project here - there will be variety in project, but hopefully consistently high standards!

Thanks for reading!

Friday, 3 January 2014

The Tour Continues....

After yesterdays look at the workshop cabinets, we travel down to the cabinets downstairs. Thats right, HobbyBrush HQ indulges Hobby on all levels!

Cabinet 1, level 1:
Display pieces, supposidly all Fantasy or Historical. New this year are a couple of pieces from Anyaral: World of Twilight, a Mantic Enforcer piece, and one of my Late Grandfathers models (the 54mm lancer) finally makes it into my cabinets :)
 Cabinet 1, level 2:
Two very old epic scale Golden demon entries, some Mantic Games Goblins, and a few Early war German armoured units from Forged in Battle. The Germans and Goblins are for sale if anyone's interested?
 Cabinet 1, Level 3:
Anyaral: World of Twilight Fubarni. One of my Favourite Ranges of the last few years. Neglected by me in 2013, targetted for 2014 :)
 Cabinet 1, Level 4:
Resting place of the Great Greenskin Project. 16 years in the waiting for paint, a years flurry of excitement and then Totally Lost steam on this army again when the last edition of WHFB came out. Ho Hum, They'll be patient for another 16 years if they must!
 Cabinet 2, level 1:
6mm sci-fi. Epic Golden Demon Entires (and winner!), random bits of Epic goodness and some Dark Realm Miniatures in there too.

Cabinet 2, Level 2:
TANKS! Its that word again - Soviet - 15mm armour for Flames of war, but the miniatures are actually a mix of Plastic Soldier Company and Zvezda. Loving Both companies this year. There's a very large portion of this all-New army of mine which doesn't fit in the cabinets, they'll be featured in their own gallery soon.
 Cabinet 2, Level 3:
Firestorm Invasion 10mm Sci Fi from Spartan games. The range was awesome, but stalled quickly. Hoping for a re-boot in 2014. Oh, and Bob the Builder. He's my favourite. Or maybe he's my 4y/o Nephew's favourite and so has to be on display. I forget. But he Rocks either way.

Cabinet 2, Level 4:
More WHFB Greenskins languishing in Dust.
 Cabinet 3 Level 1:
Special one this and the keeper of my greatest embarassment. The Invite to Terminate Sit here, and have never yet made it onto the HobbyBrush Properly. My Apologies to all those who took part. It will be rectified. Temporary guild relief comes from the Facebook Album of Entries HERE.

Also present on this shelf is a mix of sci-fi one offs which have been around for years including a Commissar bust shich has been incomplete for no less than 8years, but WILL see completion this year. Certain.
There's also a Tyranid Gargoyl painted by a talented new painter. If you're reading this - Thank You! Yes, Its got pink claws.
 Cabinet 3, level 2:
Random Oldies. I think the newest model here is about 5 years old!
 Cabinet 3, level 3:
OK, So I used the Oldies label too soon. We'll go with Epic "Classics" this time around. Mostly from the early years of the Millenium....
 Cabinet 3, level 4:
Pretty much the "It just wont sell" shelf. Skeleton army in 15mm and a Mantic Skeleton Regiment in 28mm. And Assorted individual bits of, well, crap that just dont have another home!

Thats the cabinets, next up the Workshop tour, then I'll stop stalling for time and actually do some proper site updates!

Thanks for looking!

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